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CVBT Newsletter, July 2023

Updated: Feb 12, 2024

Photo credit: Jennifer Michael

CVBT Newsletter, July 2023


Preservation Updates and News


From the Executive Director's Desk

In my previous job, we used to talk about how we would get around to doing certain things when "things slowed down." It became a joke between us, as things never seemed to slow down.

Here we are in the midst of July, the height of summer, a time that you would think that things would slow down; but just the opposite is true.

If you are a financial supporter, you will have received your copy of On the Front Line, our bi-annual magazine. This issue takes a look at George Gordon Meade and his time on our battlefields. Articles and comments by historians Tom Huntington, Gordon Rhea, and several other historians, provide interesting perspectives.

We are still working on the details of the Annual Conference in October. We are getting close to selling out, with only about a dozen tickets left. Personally, I am looking forward to the tour of Moss Neck, having never been there before, and our banquet Keynote Speaker, Kris White, who is always entertaining.

We continue working on our various land projects, and new possibilities as well. The work of preserving and interpreting battlefields is continuous, and only possible with your direct, financial support.

See you on the battlefield.

Thanks, Terry Rensel


Preservation Updates

We are quickly reaching our fundraising goal for this project.

If you have not yet supported this project or would like to make an additional contribution to it, please click on the link below.


CVBT Annual Conference - Tickets are going fast!

The CVBT Annual Conference will take place October 6-8, 2023. The theme is, 1863: Chancellorsville - The Crossroads of Fire.

Conference tickets are going fast! There are less than a dozen tickets still available! You do not want to miss this very special opportunity!

Conference details, as well as how to purchase tickets can be found here.


Wilderness Crossing Lawsuit Update

In recent news on this litigation effort, late last month several associated Wilderness Crossing landowners sought to join the suit as defendants. In addition, Orange County officials filed their response to the litigation.

The firm representing the plaintiff organizations and individuals continues gathering information and preparing its discovery.

We will continue to keep you informed about this important work as it becomes available.

Read our full press release and learn more.


Historic Quote

“We stand upon hallowed ground. Hallowed by suffering made sacred by achievement. It is places like this where men have striven with loyal purpose even to the giving up of life, that bring a train of solemn thought, yet prompt gratitude, and call to our lips ejaculations of thanksgiving. These are the shrines where we, the pilgrims in these days of peace, confess our shortcomings and failures and resolve that the high claims of true citizenship shall be renewed and more perfect obedience from us and our households. For we remember the example of those who made sacrifice that a great nation might live on with a new hope for liberty-loving men.”

Attorney-General Edmund Wilson speaking for the governor of New Jersey at the dedication of the 23rd New Jersey monument at Salem Church, May 3, 1907.

Photo credit: Terry Rensel


Central Virginia Battlefields Trust, Inc.

P.O. Box 3417 Fredericksburg, VA 22402

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