(Left to Right: Terry Rensel, Paul Scott, Sarah Kay Bierle; Chris Mackowki, standing)
On December 16, 2019,two of Central Virginia Battlefields Trust board members
and the staff met in Ted Schubel's studio for a special radio interview about local
history and battlefield preservation.
Ted Schubel introduced and welcomed Sarah Kay Bierle to the Central Virginia
area, asking about her background, recent move, and new role as Assistant to the
Executive Director. Board Member Paul Scott spoke about the importance of
grassroots effort of preservation and the challenges of saving history “in the
backyard.” Terry Rensel, CVBT’s executive director, followed along those themes
talking about recent preservation projects and hopes for future opportunities. Board
Member Chris Mackowski shared about Civil War history at the recently-save
Brock Road/V Corps Tract, explaining the historical significance of this land.
CVBT is grateful for the time in the studio to chat about preservation, local history,
and their latest news on the Town Talk radio hour. We hope the community
enjoyed the program as much as we enjoyed working with Ted Schubel to create
this on-air conversation.
The entire Town Talk segment for December 16, 2019, is archived and available
for easy listening: https://www.newstalk1230.net/episode/town-talk-dec-16-3/