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Fifth Corps Brock Road Tract Saved

Part of a commanding ridge, this key tract of land was a pivotal point during the Battle of Spotsylvania in May 1864. Here, Union General G. K. Warren and his Fifth Corps staged for their initial attacks on May 8, 1864, which opened the new battle after Grant's decision to press forward after the Battle of the Wilderness. The Fifth Corps used the land as a rallying point both on May 8 and later on May 10 and 12. As the Union lines shifted during the battle, this ground along Brock Road became the defensive cornerstone for the Union Army and also an avenue for Confederate movements when the Southerners probed the Union defenses.

The 14.4 acres where this history happened are now safely preserved and held by Central Virginia Battlefields Trust. Originally, this wooded land bordering historic Brock Road had been zoned for residential properties. Now, it is preserved to tell the stories of courage and commitment, determination and sacrifice.

Robert Lee Hodge, historic preservationist and a CVBT board member, has labelled Brock Road: "One of the most historical roads in America."

  • During the Battle of Chancellorsville, Confederate General "Stonewall" Jackson used portions of the road his famed flanked march.

  • Major fighting occurred along the road during Battle of the Wilderness, and at the Brock Road and Orange Plank intersection, General Ulysses S. Grant turned south, continuing the Overland Campaign.

  • Battle occurred along the road during the Battle of Spotsylvania, including the "Fifth Corps Tract" now preserved by Central Virginia Battlefields Trust.

While we celebrate this wonderful preservation victory that ensures these 14.4 acres of battleground will not be paved over or subdivided for building projects, we also look forward to future opportunities to save hallowed along this historic road as it becomes available for purchase.

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